From: R_Wagner Date: 21 January 1996 12:41 To: U.S.S. Tintagel (BBS) Subject: What happened... What happened so far... The Tintagel was to relief the Repulse -an Excelsior class ship- from her patrol duty along the Klingon-Federation border. Arriving at the scene the Tintagel found only the drifting wreck of the Repulse with an ongoing core-breach. Two away-teams were assembled to search for survivors and to try to stabilize the damaged warp-core. The Tintagel's executive officer, Lt. Cmdr. Blueface led the mission. While the away-teams fought to regain control of the Repulse a vessel of unknown origin, 2065m in size and pitch black decloaked near the two Starfleet vessels and immediately opened fire. The Tintagel was first positioned between the Repulse and the unknown vessel to protect the damaged ship from further damage. As this attempt proofed to be futile, Lt. Spraggins suggested an inverse-Picard maneuver: the Tintagel ran a close pass-by and fired it's phasers at the unknown vessel to draw it's attention to the undamaged vessel. Then the Tintagel warped into a position one light second away from the leviathan and waited for it to fire it's weapons. The status of the black ship was monitored via subspace-sensors as to pick up it's energy-signature. A drop in the enrgy-signature signaled the firing of the enemies weapons. As programmed the computer fired the full complement of the Tintagel's weapons on that signal and engaged maximum warp. Unfortunately the warp-drive of the Tintagel failed in mid-flight, teaching everyone aboard the ship to fly (into the next wall). As the Tintagel's bridge was destroyed in this process, Captain Decker transferred his command to main engineering. Meanwhile Lt. Kormic was able to get the warp-core of the Repulse under control. He also managed to get the computers into a working order again. Current situation: The Tintagel will be reached by the leviathan in arround 6 minutes. All attempts to communicate with the aliens have failed. The leviathan has temporarily stopped and released some kind of probe, weapon or shuttle, which clashed into the Tintagel, engulfing it with a field of golden energy. All systems of the Tintagel have been shut-down by this energy-field (including life-support). Something has attached to the hull of the ship, and it looks as if the Tintagel would be boarded. Aboard the Repulse intruders have been noticed, who downloaded the whole database of the ship.