From: Vincent_Dupuy Date: 21 November 1995 01:20 To: U.S.S. Lafayette (BBS) Subject: Holodeck Two Unaware of all the problems going on in the ship's computer core, I finally have a little free time to spend in my quarters. I just can't stop thinking about Chandy... " Lets go and try out my new holodeck program. [There IS a holodeck on this ship, right ? ? If there isn't, just figure all this is just a dream... J] Heading out of my quarters, I head to the turbolift. " Holodeck 2. " Arriving a couple of seconds later to the holodeck's door, I call up my program. " Computer, run program Beata 1B " " Program complete. Enter when ready " As the holodeck's huge and sounding door opens, I find myself entering Rome, Italy, Earth, around the 2nd century BC. My history courses had made me discover the great kingdom of Julius Caesar. One of my greatest and most intense fantasies was to picture myself as Caesar himself, and governing my great and powerful army. This help me forget how hard it was to be a man on Angel One *. I like to make these simulations last several hours, trying to make my program look more real every time I enter it. I was gone for a couple of hours. Hopefully, they won't need me on the bridge... but I wouldn't mind giving a hand in engineering... Angel One is a Class-M planet, where all male inhabitants are considered second-class individuals. The whole government is compose exclusively of women, as are all major governmental facilities. Vince Beata was born on this planet, but luckily, he was the child of the planet's Elected One, leader of the government. But his life as a male was still very hard to live, especially for someone with ambitions like him. He would never have been able to enter the Academy if he wouldn't been the Elected One's child, and still, he departure wasn't well taken by the citizens of Angel One.