From: Ian_Sab Date: 01 November 1995 19:50 To: U.S.S. Lafayette (BBS) Subject: RE: Cloaked ship As soon as the orders from Star Fleet arrive, Phillip quickly browses through them. Then, he mentally summarizes their content to the crew: "Officers, the orders were clear. Primarily, we must have the Klingon ship de-cloaked ASAP, and it must be contained in this area." "Mr. Xavier, block all subspace communications from the Klingon vessel. Then, hail the vessel. Make them know that we know they're here." "Mr. Castillion, try to determine what course the Klingon ship was on before it got here. Mostly, find out how it got here undetected." Then, seeing that Tarak has regained his consciousness: "Ahh, you're all right. You may try to get to the Klingon vessel. When you get there, find out if they are in possession of confidential Star Fleet information. Contact me when you can." "Bridge to Sickbay: no need for meds anymore; situation under control." "Mortimer, how's that transporter status? Dexter here tells us that the Klingons are making trouble with the crew. Give me a status on the security teams, now."