From: Gooseman Date: 01 November 1995 05:29 To: U.S.S. Lafayette (BBS) Subject: Lt. Tarak Tarak picks himself up off the floor. "I am sorry. I do not have a great range and the nural (spelling?) stress is overwelming at times." He reaches out again with his mind, this time not so much force. "Captain, I feel that the Klingons are suspicious of us. I sense great hostility and eagerness from them." Tarak looks distracted for a moment. "Interesting. I shall return in a moment." *Telepathically to the Captain and First officer. "I have a feeling that the Klingons have been teleporting members of the crew to there ship and back. I picked up confussion from our ship. When I scanned the surface thoughts of the crew a moment ago I got a picture of blood being taken. I beleive if I leave the bridge they may teleport me over there. Then I can get some answers. Any objections." Telepathy over* Lt. Tarak slowly turns toward the turbo-lift waiting to see if there are objections.