From: MRThomason Date: 29 October 1995 15:14 To: U.S.S. Lafayette (BBS) Subject: RE: Cloaked ship Mortimer addresses Storm "Thank you, sir. I hope to enjoy serving with you". He then takes the Ops station, and then notices that the bridge is severely urmanned. "Ops to security. We need somebody on tactical. Now." "Ops to flight control. There isn't anybody at the conn." "Computer, patch flight control and communications through to the Ops station" The Ops console re-sizes the operations window, and adds cut-down conn and communications panels. Hmm. We're supposed to be on friendly terms with the Klingons. Of course, a 'friendly' Klingon is usually just one who won't attack you on sight. An officer in a captains uniform enters the bridge, and welcomes Mortimer aboard. He takes the conn, due to the lack of a flight control officer. "Computer, release flight control to the conn" A security ensign enters from the turbolift and mans the tactical station. I hope the rest of the crew gets here soon. Mortimer notices a flashing light on his comms window. "Captain, the Klingons are sending a scrambled transmission. Attempting to intercept" This is going to be difficult. Intercepting a scrambled transmission requires you to constantly monitor the transmission and recalibrate your communications input. This is hard enough when you are actually familiar with the controls, which Mortimer isn't. Mortimer flips open the cover on the standard RS-932 interface at the Ops station, extends a plug from his bionic arm, and plugs it in. [Mortimer's left arm is bionic, and contains a RS-932 interface plug (for data input only - he doesn't have any way to extract information from the computer. It allows him to do is to input data extremely quickly, including manipulating controls. It also enhances his shuttlecraft pilot rating to 94, the best on the Lafayette, according to ship's records). I believe Storm has a similar prosthesis replacing his right arm. His may allow for two-way communication] He opens a comms output window on the Op's console, and is greeted with the view of two Klingon faces on a split screen, talking to each other. The transmission is very fuzzy, and the sound quality is terrible. "Captain, I have the Klingon transmission. Do you want it on screen?" {If the captain answers to the affirmative} Mortimer puts the Klingon conversation up on the main viewscreen. {If not} Mortimer monitors the Klingon conversation on his console. {Whatever} The computer has labelled the Klingon on the left "Signal from unknown vessel". The right one is labelled "Signal of unknown origin" "..out ship K'Varg to ...................e have l..cated .....ederation ves...l...Lafayette.......what are.....orders." "You are.....take any agg...ive action.....ontinue monitoring their com....ations." "....ot yet det..ted destroy them easil...." "..ot to tak....ANY intact..." Mortimer unplugs himself from the console.