From: Steven_Wild Date: 28 October 1995 21:20 To: U.S.S. Lafayette (BBS) Subject: RE: CLOAKED SHIP 1st Officer Bolan Storm, Main bridge, USS Lafayette Storm awaiting word from the Captain sits in the Captains chair keeping an eye on the various monitors around the bridge. "Is it possible an old Bird of Prey class Klingon vessel could get past our new sensors or is this a little test thrown at us by starfleet command to test the resolve of this new ship on its tacticle exercises" Storm rubs his chin with his cybered hand "Well I if I were Starfleet I certainly would do it." Storm walks over to the Tacticle and presses a number of buttons going from screen to screen. "Well there it is again that same radiation trail reading this time in sector nine." Storm then moves over to the science station" Well lets see what science picks up." Storm views the readout for a few seconds then clenches a fist"That confirms it there is definately a Bird of Prey class ship out their or at least someting that wants to appear as a Bird of Prey". Just to be safe I better get everybody to the bridge. "This is 1st Officer Storm, all bridge crew to the bridge immediately"